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As implied by the name, the ATHA boast an extensive network of existing stream valley trails and rail trails that provide nonmotorized access to many of the key historical, cultural, and recreational feature in the area. One of the key recommendation of the heritage plan was the extension of the Anacostia Tributaries Trail System to both Washington, D.C. and north to the City of Laurel. The Prince George\u2019s County Department of Parks and Recreation and other stakeholders are working to achieve this goal by extending the trail system from the Capital Beltway to the Beltsville Community Center. Also, the final segment of the Anacostia River Trail south of Bladensburg Waterfront Park was completed in the fall of 2016. This trail makes it possible to bicycle from the ATHA area to downtown Washington. This trail is being heavily used by both recreational cyclists and bicycle commuters.Portions of Cheverly, Bowie, and Glen Dale were added with the adoption by the Prince George\u2019s County Council on March 7, 2017 of the Resource Conservation Plan: A Countywide Functional Master Plan.This designation and boundary change will not result in new regulations on the properties being added, but will make additional grant funding opportunities available to these communities, including possible funds for the extension of the trails networks into each of these areas. A planned trail to the Bladensburg Waterfront Park will connect Cheverly to the Anacostia River Trail System, while Bowie and Glen Dale will have access to the Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis (WB&A) Trail and a planned future trail linking the WB&A with the Anacostia Tributaries Trails System. The City of Bowie is also planning the Bowie Heritage Trail, which will extend to both north and south of the WB&A Trail and connect to destinations like the Bowie MARC Station and Old Town Bowie. The Anacostia Tributaries Trails System is the largest urban trail system in the country, and the planned extensions into Cheverly, Glen Dale, and Bowie will greatly expand this network.The City of Laurel was included in the 2001 Heritage Plan and is proposed to be retained within ATHA, pending the concurrence of the City of Laurel. 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